
Simple File System

Learn how to use the Simple File System in WindPress.

The Simple File System in WindPress is a feature that allows you to manage the files in your project. It provides a simple interface to create, edit, and delete files in your project.

The supported file types are:

  • CSS files (.css)
  • JavaScript files (.js)

This limitation is to minimize the security risks and complexity of WindPress while providing the essential features to manage the files in your project.

The Simple File System will load and store the files in the /wp-content/uploads/windpress/data directory.

└─ uploads/
   └─ windpress/
      └─ data/
         ├── main.css
         ├── tailwind.config.js 
         ├──  ...
         └── some-folder/
             ├── some-file.css
             ├── some-file.js
             └── ...

Managing files

The Simple File System can be accessed on the left sidebar of the WindPress admin dashboard.

Simple File System

Creating a new file

Steps to create a new file in the Simple File System:

Step 1: Click the + (plus) button

To create a new file in the Simple File System, click the + (plus) button in the left sidebar header.

Click the + (plus) button

Step 2: Enter the file name

A modal will appear where you can enter the file name.

Enter the file name

Step 3: Accessing the file

After creating the file, you can access it by clicking the file name in the left sidebar.

Accessing the file

Step 4: Save the changes

Remember to save the changes after creating a new file.

Save the changes

Editing a file

To edit a file in the Simple File System:

Step 1: Click the file name

Click the file name in the left sidebar that you want to edit.

Click the file name

Step 2: Edit the file content

The Code Editor will load the file content where you can edit the content.

Edit the file content

Step 3: Save the changes

Remember to save the changes after editing the file content.

Save the changes

Deleting a file

Step 1: Click the file name

Review the file before deleting it by clicking the file name in the left sidebar.

Click the file name

Step 2: Click the Delete button

Click the Delete button with the trash icon to delete the file.

Click the button with trash icon

Step 3: Save the changes

Remember to save the changes.

Save the changes to delete the file

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